Hi Guys! 

Its been a minute and what a year we've all had. Hope you've all been keeping safe this past year. So where has Amaka been the past two years? STUDYING, but I can finally say that I'm officially done with college after 8years and three degrees. My mum is still convinced that I will one day get a phd but not yet, I'm tired lol. Here are some pictures from my recent lockdown graduation. 

I had so much planned for my graduation. So many trips and events cancelled. Unfortunately my family could not make it from Nigeria due to the pandemic but regardless, I am grateful to be done and I am now a fully qualified pharmacist. 

As you can tell, this post is about new beginnings. I feel like I just stepped into another phase of my life and with the new year, I feel its only right that I set goals for myself as a young fully independent adult. First step was to get a job which I did and it started out challenging but I can handle it and I'm excited about my new career path.  

My second goal is dishing out more content on this space. My keyword this year is CONSISTENCY. This is something I am hoping to practice in every aspect of my life moving forward. Unfortunately, it is not something I'm very good at but hopefully I can get better at it this year. 

Anyway, I will keep this short and sweet. Here's to new beginnings, more content and good health. 

Wear your Masks, Stay Safe and Stay Blessed. 



  1. Hi Chiamaka. my name is Zaynab a Nigerian Pharmacist. I saw your profile via LinkedIn. I'm looking to work in Ireland and so I need some guidance. Would appreciate if you reach me on +2348132926858. God bless you


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